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  • Writer's pictureRafael Iamonti

Best tips for protecting your accounts and digital information

Information security is an increasingly relevant topic in our day, especially as cyber threats continue to evolve and become increasingly sophisticated.

Exposure of sensitive information can have a significant impact on organizations, such as financial loss, reputational damage, and privacy violation.

Therefore, it is critical to be aware of cyber risks and implement effective information security measures. Here we provide top tips and best practices for protecting valuable information and systems, helping to ensure the security of your data.

Are you using best practices for passwords?

Sometimes we end up forgetting that good passwords are those that do not relate to our daily lives. We need to be very careful that our passwords are not easy to guess.

That's why it's important to create strong passwords, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. In addition, it is recommended not to use obvious passwords, such as dates of birth or family names.

Another important tip is not to use the same passwords on multiple accounts, as this can increase the risk of compromising these accounts if a password is compromised.

If you have trouble remembering too many passwords, use a password manager. They can create secure and unique passwords for each account and store them encrypted in a secure location. It's also important to never share passwords with others and change them to keep your accounts safe.

Train to think before you click

Often, when we are checking emails or browsing the internet, we get distracted and end up thinking about some unknown link or attachment. This can be a big risk as we may be downloading a malicious system or even allowing cybercriminals to access our information.

This type of attack is called phishing and is a technique used by cyber criminals to trick people into revealing sensitive information such as passwords, banking information, and credit card details. They are usually carried out through fraudulent messages or fake websites that look legitimate.

To prevent these attacks, be aware that the main features of phishing are misspelled or grammar messages, urgent requests to update account information, and suspicious or unknown links.

Another tip is to always check if the website address is authentic, checking if it is official and secure. Also, remember that companies generally don't ask for sensitive information per message, and avoid clicking links in messages from unknown senders.

If in doubt, please contact the information security team for additional guidance.

Don't forget to make any updates

Updates are designed to fix known security flaws, improve stability, and add new and important features.

In this way, when systems and software are not updated, known vulnerabilities can be exploited by cybercriminals, resulting in data loss, information theft, and privacy violation. Updates can also improve system security by adding new layers of protection, improving data encryption, and strengthening access controls.

Your data is always unprotected!

Develop a sense of skepticism about protecting your data. Unfortunately, we can be at risk anywhere, including when we use public internet networks.

Therefore, it is essential to enable multi-factor authentication mechanisms. They work by requiring not only a password, but also a second form of authentication, such as a code sent via text message or a security token.

This means that even if a password is compromised, an attacker would still need to go through the second factor of authentication to access your account.

Also, give preference to using your device's cellular data network when you're in public places. Public internet networks can have fragile authentication processes, which leave our data and devices at risk.

Keep your phone protected

Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are increasingly used to access sensitive information such as corporate emails, banking data, and customer information. One of the most important measures is to use strong passwords to protect access to the device, as well as to block specific applications with sensitive information. In addition, it is important to encrypt sensitive data, such as financial files and passwords, to prevent unauthorized access in case of loss or theft of the device. Other good practices include keeping the operating system up to date, avoiding the use of unsecured public Wi-Fi networks, and installing only apps from trusted sources. It's also important to set up privacy options, such as disabling GPS and limiting app access to device data.

How to keep your desk clean

Your notes, files, and documents can offer plenty of information for watchful eyes. Therefore, it is essential to avoid storing passwords on papers and even keep your screen facing places with a lot of movement.

All of this can be a way to compromise sensitive information, which can be used to access accounts and compromise your privacy.

That way, keep your work environment organized, avoiding leaving confidential documents or with important information in vulnerable places.

What to do in an incident

Reporting a security incident case is a crucial step in protecting sensitive information and mitigating the damage caused by cyberattacks. To do this, contact the information security team or the manager responsible for the IT sector.

Because it's a crucial process, it's important to provide accurate details about the incident, including what happened, when it occurred, and what information, accounts, or devices were affected.

Also, follow the information security team's instructions on how to handle the incident, how to disconnect the affected device or network, and preserve relevant evidence.

It is essential to report security incidents immediately after their detection, so that the information security team can take quick and effective action to protect information and limit damage.

Digital world. A group of happy young people holding different digital devices and smiling as they sit in a row outside. In the bottom corner, the text "Top tips for protecting your digital accounts and information"
Learn about the best practices for protecting your digital accounts and information

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