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How gamification can help you raise awareness

Writer's picture: Rafael IamontiRafael Iamonti

Creating a cybersecurity culture involves educating people. Almost all of an organization's information assets pass into the hands of people.

Therefore, the risk that these people will contribute to an incident related to information securitypr ecisa be reduced. Without people being educated, you can't create an efficient security strategy.

Creating a strong corporate culture across the organization should constantly encourage employees to keep up with security issues.

For many organizations, information security is not yet a priority. As the threat landscape becomes more complex, organizations can benefit by ensuring that people are aware of the threats.

In this way, a well-designed awareness program can generate great benefits and promote a healthy culture of cybersecurity.

Data-driven gamification

Within many organizations, people can access almosttheir data that is considered important. Whether it's customer information, or even the organization's intellectual property. It is now much easier to access sensitive information.

Therefore, it is very important to promote a culture ofscientific awareness about cybersecurity. Fighting cybercrime means staying alert and this should be everyone's concern. In this way, people play an important role in this fight.

One of the maindifferentials of organizing actions that have achieved success in implementing a safety culture is the existence of a plan to keep people engaged.

From the commitment of leadership to the implementation of the defined strategy, to the existence of a cohesive plan to deal with unexpected attacks. All this goes through the culture of cybersecurity.

How to implement and validate a cybersecurity culture within your organization

Through gamification, an organization can establish a new language for dataprotection, which encourages dialogue among employees on how to handle sensitive information. Rather than a boring or enforced approach, people can talk about their results, challenges, and learning within the game structure.

Through the gamificationmodel, it is possible to create a method to attract the attention of those who do not show interest in information security themes. For example, if those who do not follow one of the stages of the game, must participate in a safety training.

For this reason, offering some kind of reward to people who follow the rules can encourage staff to follow good practice. Thus, you can institute small incentives for the most engaged people within the safety culture.

Since this person hashad its behavior recognized, it is necessary to encourage good behavior continuously, from the establishment of other milestones.

Encourage victories through gamification

The most effective safety trainings are those that happen constantly over the months. However, most companies are unable to create these cycles due to lack of time or resources. Using a game structure allows you to reduce the knowledge gap in the employee base and change behavior in the long run.

Teams should be encouraged to demonstrate the recognitionthey receive each time they reach one of the established goals. Making these victories visible in thework environment will help bring other contributors into the game. Visibility will also allow the exchange of knowledge between employees.

Not everyone is interested in the subject of cybersecurity. Therefore, some companies throw desafios to try to find talent, already in the early stages of the competition, to help lead the practice.

Gamification only becomes effective when people learn the lessons in real-world scenarios. For this reason, it is essential to establish metrics on the effectiveness of the process in order to reduce real risks. Conducting regular audits on the game structure allows you to determine the risks that the organization still runs if any real problems occur.

Train people

Covid-19is new priorities for our daily lives. A big question is how can we ensure the effectiveness of remote work without making people's lives even more complicated. This requires, among other factors, changes in technologies and processes.

However, it is important to note that even with tools that can protect users, people should still exercise common sense to deal with everyday threats.

In addition, the additional stress that the global pandemic situation has provided makes us more likely to pay less attention. That way, we can make more mistakes that we don't make in normal situations.

On the other hand, some people may find that their behavior is not controlled as in the office. Thus, they end up expondo the most to the threats.

Therefore, it is very important that organizations invest in a barrier of protection that counts on people. In this way, it is necessary to help people perform their functions with the same efficiency.

Have an open communication

It is also very important to ensure that awareness efforts are heard by everyone. To do this, openly communicating the threats facing the organization can be a way to engage people.

Although the scenario of each organization is different, there are many common factors. For example, there is no doubt that we all need to worry about phishing attacks or malicious links that arrive through social networks.

Similarly, ransomware and malware have also become commonplace. Thus, it is very important to discuss these threats regularly, whether through announcements, training or simulations.

Recognize cybersecurity as an investment

A successful defense against cyber attacks requires a coordinated effort at alllevels of an organization. Security can also be enhanced through increased recognition by the boards that cybersecurity is a real business facilitator.

It is necessary to recognize that cybersecurity is an investment, not just an expense. Protection tools and strategies, constant training, simulations and policy distribution all involve the cybersecurity of an organization.

PhishX brings some of the best ways to engage your employees in their cybersecurity strategies. Through our platform, you can use gamification to further engage people. See our sales team.

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